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Contact Visit Aqaba

When you reach out to Visit Aqaba, you'll be in contact with a group of dedicated locals who have transformed their deep affection for Aqaba into their profession.

Our mission is to ensure that your experience in our Red Sea Boutique destination exceeds your expectations. Feel free to get in touch if there's anything we can help you with.

Whether you have general questions about tourism development in the Aqaba Special Economic Zone - Tourism Directorate or need to get in touch with the Aqaba Tourist Information Centre, we are here to help.

Your journey in Aqaba starts with us, so let's make it unforgettable together.

Aqaba Tourist Information Centre 

The Aqaba Tourist Information centre is the perfect starting point for anyone visiting this beautiful city. Located in the heart of Aqaba, it is easily accessible and offers a wide range of services to tourists, including maps, brochures, and travel guides.

The centre's knowledgeable staff can provide visitors with information about Aqaba's histo-ry, culture, and attractions, as well as assistance with booking tours and activities. They can also provide tips on where to eat, shop, and explore in the city, ensuring that visitors make the most out of their trip to Aqaba.

Overall, the information centre is an excellent resource for anyone visiting Aqaba, providing a wealth of information and services to ensure that visitors have a memorable and enjoyable experience in the city.

  Address: Aqaba, 77110 Jordan

Phone: +962-32035360



Aqaba Special Economic Zone - Tourism Directorate 

For inquiries, collaborations, and partnerships, please reach out to ASEZA (Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority) Tourism Directorate. We inspire overnight trips to the south of Jordan, inviting both tourists and locals to experience the exceptional quality of life and holi-day opportunities in Aqaba. Our goal is to create a deeper connection between visitors and this enchanting destination.

ASEZA Tourism Directorate is committed to promoting Aqaba as a remarkable tourism des-tination. We invite you to explore the wonders of Aqaba, indulge in its vibrant culture, and create unforgettable memories. To learn more about our initiatives, attractions, and upcom-ing events, visit our website or get in touch with us directly. We look forward to assisting you and ensuring your experience in Aqaba is truly exceptional.

 Address: Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority, Aqaba, Jordan

Phone: +962-3209 1000



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